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Danielle Tomson

Director and Co-Curator of Personal Democracy Forum; PhD Student

Personal Democracy Forum and Columbia University

New York


Free Speech Information Technology Journalism Policy Research

Danielle is a Ph.D. Student in Communications at Columbia’s Graduate School of Journalism. In her academic work, she primarily studies populism, representation, and political movements in the digital age, but she given professional experience she also writes about the global civic tech community. Her research has taken her to Myanmar, Kosovo, Turkey, Georgia, and around the United States. She is also currently the Director and Co-Curator of Personal Democracy Forum, an annual conference on civic tech, politics, and media. Danielle was the founding Membership Director of Civic Hall, a community center for civic tech in New York. Before Civic Hall, Danielle cut her technology teeth as a product manager and innovation consultant for non-profits, government, and corporate clients. You can find her writing on The Huffington Post, Civicist, Medium, and a plethora of academic publications. She is a graduate of Yale University and is proud to have been raised on a horse farm in Pennsylvania.