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Katie Siek

Associate Professor

Indiana University



Computer Science Consumer Technology Education Information Technology Research UX/UI

Katie Siek, an associate professor in Informatics at Indiana University Bloomington, investigates how technologies impact personal health and well-being for people outside of clinical environments. Dr. Siek and her collaborators design, build, and deploy mobile, wearable, and ambient systems in real world environments to identify how people use technology in their lives. Her research has empowered people with chronic illnesses and low literacy skills to manage their diets; assisted low-income families improve their snacking; helped people with knee injuries visualize their rehabilitation; and explored the social support needs of pregnant women. Her research interests are in human computer interaction, health informatics, and pervasive computing. Dr. Siek is a strong advocate for diversity in computing. She has advised over 45 undergraduate researchers – 37 from underrepresented groups in STEM; 13 1st generation college students; and co-authored publications with 13 undergraduates.

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Keywords: human computer interaction, HCI, computer science, health informatics, wellness, medical informatics, maker, embedded technology, internet of things, National Science Foundation, consumer health informatics, chronic illness, rare diseases, mobile application, pregnancy, women's health, older adults, diversity, undergraduate, education, undergraduate research, REU