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AJung Moon


Open Roboethics Institute



Artificial Intelligence Hardware Development International Policy Research

Dr. AJung Moon is the Director of the Open Roboethics Institute (ORI), an international roboethics think tank based in Vancouver that investigates ways in which stakeholders of robotics technologies can work together to influence how robots should shape our future.

She is also a CEO and the Technology Analyst of Generation R, a consultancy that provides an internal assessment of algorithmic ethics and robot ethics to help manage risks that are inherent in automation projects.

She is a roboticist who has been heavily involved in international discussions on AI and autonomous systems. She serves on the Executive Committee of The IEEE Global Initiative for Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems and as an expert panellist of the International Panel on the Regulation of Autonomous Weapon. She frequently hops around the world as an expert, speaker, and guest lecturer on ethics of autonomous systems, including multiple appearances at the UN CCW, the Senate of Canada, and the OECD.

Keywords: AI ethics, robot ethics, robotics