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Jennifer Lynch

Senior Staff Attorney

Electronic Frontier Foundation



Artificial Intelligence Consumer Technology Free Speech Government Law Legislation Litigation Policy Privacy

Jennifer Lynch is a senior staff attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation where she works to protect your privacy and civil liberties. She challenges the abuse of government surveillance technologies through the courts and works to promote privacy-protective laws in state and federal legislatures. She founded EFF's Street Level Surveillance Project, which informs advocates, defense attorneys, and decisionmakers about new police tools. She speaks frequently at legal and technical conferences as well as to the general public on technologies like location tracking, biometrics, and algorithmic decisionmaking, and has testified on facial recognition before committees in the Senate and House of Representatives. She is regularly consulted as an expert on these subjects and others by major and technical news media.

Keywords: face recognition, biometrics, DNA, criminal justice, predictive policing, CSLI, cell-site location information, ALPR, automated license plate readers, body cameras, AI, machine learning, facial recognition, algorithm,