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Rachel Gillum

Senior Director




Government International Policy Legislation National Security Policy Research

Dr. Rachel Gillum is a Senior Director at RiceHadleyGates LLC (RHG), the strategic consulting firm led by former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, former National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley and former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. At the firm, Dr. Gillum and her team assists CEOs and senior executives at major companies to expand their businesses and meet challenges in key international markets. She manages the company's technology portfolio. Dr. Gillum is also a visiting scholar at Stanford University. Before joining RHG in 2014, Dr. Gillum served as a researcher at the RAND Corporation’s International Policy Center and was formerly a research assistant at the Department of Defense’s Near East South Asia Center for Strategic Studies. She received her doctorate and master’s degrees from Stanford University.

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Keywords: tech policy, regulation, congress, europe, Condoleezza Rice, robert gates, steve hadley, ricehadleygates