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Heather Braum

PhD Student

University of South Carolina, School of Library and Information Science

South Carolina


Consumer Technology Education Free Speech Government Information Technology Legislation Open Source Policy Privacy Research

Heather Braum, MLS, is a second-year PhD student in Library and Information Science at the University of South Carolina, where she is focusing on public libraries, policy, and twitter information usage at the state legislative level. In a previous career, Heather worked for the Northeast Kansas Library System (NEKLS) for nine years, where she held different positions in technology and systems support, including leading the NExpress library consortia project. She completed her Master's degree in Library Science (MLS) from Emporia State University in 2008, and received her B.A. in Political Science from Oklahoma Baptist University in 2005. Future career plans include lobbying and advocating for libraries of all sizes, especially to policy makers at all levels of government. Also, she is a 2018 Google Public Policy Fellow, where she placed with the American Library Association’s Washington Office and Office of Information Technology and Policy.

Keywords: Libraries, open source, technology policy, open data, data governance, social media, advocacy